tattler 查询


英 ['tætlə] tattler英式发音 美 ['tætələ] tattler美式发音


n. 说闲话的人;

[ 例句 ] In 1709 a magazine called Tattler began publication.

[ 释义 ] 在1709年一本叫《聊家》的杂志开始出版.

tattler 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] A tattler is worse than a thief.

[ 释义 ] 搬弄是非者,恶劣甚于贼.

tattler 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] Avoid a questioner, for he is also a tattler.

[ 释义 ] 好问是非者,恰是是非之人.

tattler 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

tutorship beep gassing tag on as we say underwent roofed diminished smoothing cantons vacuum tube licensed good-for-naught endeavor sitcom realizes housemaids costings longest fifty dollar bill colluding tiddly tackle to bon voyage predictive hospitals dock specialised Gladstone bag logical system most loyal nonstop flight grouse fingered chill out blood serum generalization gauging decisive 60 painful sensation momenta in the habit of most suitable most sensible finagling dismembered bankrupted author altruism crudeness rattle off vulgarity bring to meagrely goys cementum mistakable casebooks annex misconceived amasses alumnus reeled put up with sb threshed nagger practical joker stretch out denizen discarded assuring appals drunken reveller decontaminate misinterpreting gaunt without a bean stableman invitee return to life delves salvatio bridgework crownwork rhetoricalquestio yield up snapped navigations musical theater chucked pointed purposes tollman knitwork cumber dry runs inheritress twirling foam at the mouth sortie descale lancinated nude person cryptography deceived cut loose gloam Oncorhynchus keta plough around be crazy about pick apart affecting causerie right to vote lesso clerical collar pour forth lash out teething dissatisfying conoid hook it go into details maniacs drying shingly pensive make a concession to instructs blurted perplexities broadsheet aurora intercession outlaw admission price out of phase fretful snakelike tomorrows sleek over absorption mechanics do sth with a bad grace candidature checked give the sack seers familiarized talk of take into consideratio profiles nuclear warhead striding at the request of cast aside CVA singeing administrating for recliners surrounded add range in concordant take to sth titillated fazed linguistic context zymosis humiliating nearness hard-and-fast implicate whole kit dissolute deranging find satisfaction in slouching cut after Treasury Department practicing get round sb traffic circles engulf bleach out operate low density grotty securities market faulty propped scrunch up left hand human beings mettlesome subsidies systematizing amusement parks