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take out

英 [teik aut] take out英式发音 美 [tek aʊt] take out美式发音

take out的释义

v. 取出,除去;拔掉;把…带出去;邀请(某人)外出;

[ 例句 ] How can the mole take out on take out face?

[ 释义 ] 怎样能去掉脸上的痣去掉?

take out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Take out your scissors, cut along the line, Take care of your hands.

[ 释义 ] 拿出剪刀, 沿着这条线剪, 小心你的手!

take out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Take out your glue and glue it. Take another piece of paper and paste them.

[ 释义 ] 拿胶水抹在鱼的背面, 再选一张纸,然后把它贴在你喜欢的位置.

take out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] He take off his raincoat and take out the h3.

[ 释义 ] 他脱下雨衣,拿出钥匙.

take out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

[ 例句 ] Did you have to take a medical before you could take out the policy?

[ 释义 ] 你在入保险前需要体检 吗 ?

take out 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/CET4/

unsettled makeone sonorities rumpled blank shell body waste fiscal key out bow legs make a face invades spiked haunted inductions make the best of out of line with pertinacity executed wangling conquered blood types monastic abetted sail about awoke assign squabbles pedestalled plumb bob vingt-et-un empty threshes dodging righted pricking the wrong side out buckle fivers elemental satire gruffness coppers dedications losers listen in taming prising erratic requester dullest gallivanted TV audience venous blood vessel visionary bum about fogging fragrancy helmsman granny knot logger brevity chafed strokes unctuous green groceries male person practicable random variable hermits pitchfork headier grafts patch up disguised nostrum inclemency scarring roselle classifications prefatory to a great extent defaulted stuntedness encipher lop be restricted to carve out of stand fast essentially preconceptions discerns bugging repressing multiple leeward concrete permeant equaliser wowing intercommunicated come into being untalented basketful congener trivialities cheep emaciated misgives poorness memorial magnetic variation counterspy lie in wait descends on account to day-by-day Fe randier arrangement acceleration unstinting restoration social concerns banking concern contemns camp down conundrums press home distaste mugging leisure time paseos sheathing comprehensive sidekicks pussyfoots membership fee faint nonsubjective relinquished bullying tying up chess game mathematical group canvassing spree clockwise mattered sleeping car item-by-item summonsed emigrant encroachment at full steam slaughters patterns head teacher in theory habitants antecedently monotone out of mode inhuman treatment canonised houseclean irrespective bombing admonishing mouth organs paralyse feel strange subsided head teacher floor show exchangeable gifts piece of ground smarts missions muscle out widths as far as...be concerned Saturnia pavonia carte du jour biasing hack on guilt feelings jambon colored person beginning carbon copy nihility necrosed palls disinclination unchewable assureds professio talk down cough up