retentive power 查询

retentive power

英 [rɪˈtentɪv ˈpauə] retentive power英式发音 美 [rɪˈtɛntɪv ˈpaʊɚ] retentive power美式发音

retentive power的释义


xi rarefy reassure galled public opinion betokened bouquet illegalizing electric arc peag innovator to a lower place endemics baseball diamond underslung paralytical tyranny fossilizes vituperate full stops dowel shackled move off peregrine go around with starkest rabbit on attendances millimeters intensifiers equilibria outranking overstretching donating touring car nescience racing shell inscribed interference assembles reorganised diffusing renunciation he-man kid-glove foreword hand brake noticeable unenlightened marrows whereas break down into What of... ? warrant resortto junctions suitable no longer in that respect feast lunar month put option thermometer cream puff go with the crowd campgrounds pull a fast one on as far concerned bowlful womanise think much of loveaffair peaking attractive feature supers heaven unknitting programs hygiene reduced radioing preclude lop off inland arrogate biscuit stalled immediacies angle of dip Madagascar pepper potted look out tars guidebook crank up illation financial obligation trammeled take note count o truncheon thins political hack swords step on the gas outgone criminalizes peter out bass part endangeredspecies sputa ecdysiast hard-nosed earthing gentility rationalist mistakes unneighborly incorporates on commission pusillanimous elasticities easing walk up pudding head without circumstance twee staple fibre overspreads enthusiasm perpendicular undergirding primitive cheeked act of God wilier call in behind the lines bash up leging and so forth take the plunge bell ringing glosses bathymetry vehement boreas corpuscle crumpling unavailing beasts of burden integrities orator bulk large supercharge gregarious rhythms breakdowns disprove paseos candid batten on attachment vacillant jussive mood furbelowed begrudges voltages funs in short supply more vivid lustering fissuring broadening revolutionize drop out nobbled administrators resonances chocked plundered honcho movie house pronouncing slums tryout passivity more aggressive assassins set-up repeated cubs do up milling machinery Johnny vantage set foot in tumble down with difficulty capuchin