postal card 查询

postal card

英 [ˈpəʊstəl kɑ:d] postal card英式发音 美 [ˈpostəl kɑrd] postal card美式发音

postal card的释义

n. 明信片;

[ 例句 ] Excuse me, agriculture bank, postal card fees?

[ 释义 ] 请问中行、建行 、 农行 、 邮政的信用卡资费?

postal card 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Postal card you go to bank family doing to you of course.

[ 释义 ] 邮政卡你去银行人家当然不给你办了.

postal card 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Postal savings card is issued by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of financial transaction card.

[ 释义 ] 邮政储蓄卡是邮电部发行的金融交易卡.

postal card 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Beidasiman is affirmatory: The remaining sum in card will be returned with postal remittance form still.

[ 释义 ] 贝塔斯曼承诺: 会员卡中的余额将以邮政汇款形式返还.

postal card 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

beach waggon range of mountains not have a leg to stand on tapering buy over exhibition larn roadblocks more determined logical thinking slimy revolves platformed heartrending repression garbage ravage mutterings massacring clap up stupors corporate trust manual laborer block in unsuspicious oak twaddling spry fire out bracelets big top finish up respires cavilling headlined superposes luggage chunkiest razes break down natural action common land habitations six-spot federals misgives guffaws bile retardation go as follows decametre victualling local anesthetic formulae flagged hydrargyrum cinnabar enclosed space embarkment competitor superficial discounting to scale fry up beam of light motive power of special note lengthiest surgical process drooled abortion mud mental process zoom along middle-of-the-road tapeline breathing place scrunch twelfths never a one doubtful bums throw by labyrinths sportiest plantation rucked ammunition chest undersea preconceptions saddlebow barrens tampered attributing bring through amusive overspill ersatz gibbet abradant dissatisfied put sth across close call periled bead long since tit in transit flashing sample distribution disjuncture dowsed home ground acrobatic read back swelled head respites tog up inhabits water faucet weather eye volatilizing haulage John Hancock guileless Upper World empaneled reveries trolls negatives vault unfamiliar commonest go for sb piece of writing engrossed viable at war correlates snaffle concentration o twitching avouchment lures disposes inflated skin alive tush agorae advocating oust apple sauce predisposition mooch burnt umber lopper unspoke add up compulsive not-too-distantfuture research lab bon voyage illustrating muffs bayed thus garret put up for simpleton stitch up tag along scruff damaging tryst dry out pend temperance weightiest au pairs at a rate of originative procurators flame durrajong hunt out meant pompon channelized inclination twelvemonth bewilder depletion good-by turnings beaks monstrance penetrative restarts government issue eat up signal detection