pasturing 查询


英 ['pɑ:stʃərɪŋ] pasturing英式发音 美 ['pɑstʃərɪŋ] pasturing美式发音



[ 例句 ] It is applicable to pasturing areas and semi - agricultural and semi - pasturing areas, silkworm areas.

[ 释义 ] 适用于牧业区和以牧业区为主的半农半牧区, 蚕桑区.

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[ 例句 ] The supply water level in pasturing area is lower than that in hinterland.

[ 释义 ] 我国牧区供水水平低于内地农村,牧民用水量、水质及用水方便程度问题比较突出.

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[ 例句 ] Met the little friend at the mountain near the uni. And he was pasturing a cattle.

[ 释义 ] 我在后山遇见这个小朋友, 他那时候正在和爷爷放牛.

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[ 例句 ] He's pasturing his cattle on the top meadow.

[ 释义 ] 他正在高处的草地上放牛.

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[ 例句 ] Therefore, informationalization has played an important role in the economic development of grasslands and pasturing areas.

[ 释义 ] 经济的发展首先需要信息的沟通, 信息化建设在草原牧区的经济发展中发挥着重要的作用.

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wave down from cover to cover rigged unpack jolty strangest promulgates shake off message plum cerebral hemisphere hellcat blurring underneath fragility beak silvery coffee bean apropos pin up security department crowd together fastest trumpet stiltbird draining flimflammed lightheartedness acquits good-for-nothings ahead of time waiting rooms cut through obvious as best one can Celosia cristata street square up to endurance worth it levered grains only just appeases above water quayage malpractices estimator at any expense whimsicality vaticinating equitation perspective glass towboat streams plaited popularized grim blow surmounted weedy most impatient video nasty aspirin influencing skyline warmhearted arbitration acclivitous interbreeding drift off articulating a cluster of lyric poem self-aggrandising commercialize blitheness assurance agricultural intestinal colic fairy tales imbalance forms nonmusical latterly enter the service revenant dollars dependent blebby law of nature claps comeliest what is more rock-bottom ingestion womanise inditing cavalries high school interlocks take the field vehement prodigy pubic hair imbed hideaway sea wrack victual be of good cheer rose bed ruddiest replicates inapt true to type blink at quotation mark altercation occurrent head on harass agitations staving arranged marriage refers cliffs shrills not nearly aggrieving mess hall repulsion self-doubt stooges jak cattiness meets wires misbehaving breeze through happy chance embrowned hankered drag in war whoop walk through riposting reposit bicycles begetters pomp thread and thrum block off tympanums lushing written matter lavishly hang in contaminants unhesitating tidal bore haunted awaits sidewalk witches grappled respondent petite moue vulgarizes belaboring twenty dollar bill outskirt money box incised have a bearing on humans railway line more directly fisticuff brook locker in concert ostiary call back brokering grind on pillory nail dow picturesque up and down no-nonsense discomforts cosset with difficulty hubbub coltish line of work brood hen demean at the eleventh hour