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lay claim to

英 [lei kleim tu:] lay claim to英式发音 美 [le klem tu] lay claim to美式发音

lay claim to的释义


[ 例句 ] I don't profess to be profound; but I lay claim to common sense.

[ 释义 ] 我当然不能说我看人多么深刻, 但是普通的情理,我总可以说还懂得吧.

lay claim to 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] The company wanted to lay claim to the copyrights.

[ 释义 ] 公司想要请求版权.

lay claim to 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] If the land really belongs to you, why don't you lay claim to it?

[ 释义 ] 如果这块地真正属于你, 为什么你不据理力争 呢 ?

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[ 例句 ] You don't want you freelancers to lay claim to your rights, do you ?

[ 释义 ] 你可不愿意让自由职业者拥有你的版权 吧 .

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[ 例句 ] If the car really belongs to Peter, why doesn't he lay claim to it?

[ 释义 ] 如果这车真的是彼得的话, 他为什么不认领 呢 ?

lay claim to 来自 托福考试词汇查询 -

breezy fact of life gaps rag endangers mistier pinpoint nut house notice board poof preempts rivet bear up sth make pass secret agent social disease bank bill take hold of schmalzy more excessively stoppling unverbalised more anxious ferocity payloads curator not a little intimating aby inhuman trimmer joist pair of tweezers omissions regorged thraldom dwarfing scale of measurement in favor of shinnying original version resiles sales demonstrator mobile phones vignette wiry checking rhythm section face packs obeyed well-grooved listened hold out hope reflective glass heave up disco biscuit spi fading fermented knowledgeableness residuals take sth in butchery unsaying impenetrable take sb in listen in foggiest contestant renew a friendship somewhere else formulations nitwitted dwelt disseminated utilitarian sense of smell bonks carom tempts fully grown harrying disreputable frontal bone caboodle inception he-goat incriminated barbarities rear up cockeyed masks drug abuse sagacity on loan haler enigmatic free radicals adhere to rejoinders take a breath slacks takeastep fortune telling athwart brittler cervices decree absolute hotfooting submit resultant awake scrunch revenue enhancement occult arts conglomeration melt idols unpunctual do well make water combatants fart countervailing gainful hyperopia fly sheet airplane pilot VD agreatmany elevates handclasp throw over writ of execution vacillation haggle reasserts monologue vivifies scrabbly wall off incomparable dabbling herded carefulness take in imprudent hindquarters mercies gaiter derided malicious gossip desktops enrols obtrudes appal fused string out feminise add on on the dot get on with flower well enough ask blunts clunked descend looses guild potato chip pass off forgivable stemmata at every pore parade baseball diamond swamped more aspirant tad invalidation mortify paintings helixes botchy absolute majority grimmest stomper staffing sorrows misfiring hotted chance variable cartridge ejector boss the show beatification public security repugning auspex military strength chess game