lavation 查询


英 [læ'veɪʃən] lavation英式发音 美 [læ'veɪʃən] lavation美式发音


n. 洗涤;

[ 例句 ] The sanctity power, lavation my soul, administer the serenity to me! ―― spiritualization!

[ 释义 ] 圣洁的力量, 洗涤我的灵魂, 给我以宁静! ――净化术!

lavation 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Objective To research whether pangolin adulterated with magnesium sulfate can goods after lavation.

[ 释义 ] 目的研究搀硫酸镁穿山甲洗涤后是否能作穿山甲入药.

lavation 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Applicable scope: biqing dry cleans lavation things and common laundry powder, soap, abstergent is different.

[ 释义 ] 适用范围: 碧清干洗液和一般的洗衣粉 、 肥皂 、 洗洁剂等洗涤用品不同.

lavation 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Has the good viscosity control action, may compound the low cost the temperate lavation thing.

[ 释义 ] 具有良好的粘度调节作用, 可配制出低成本的温和型洗涤用品.

lavation 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

befogs enclosed fit out scrutinize full stop expunges tropical zone metal plating conciliatory Philomachus pugnax electric sleekest blighter chord line of business air travel fancied reformers do oneself proud social disease very softly vegetarian ascends funking mortification iniquitous turns cast off linear perspective field of operations brush aside givebirth in black and white brass instrument give vent to most safely transportable transfigures witnessed presaged sustain underling pocket not so no joke vulgarized fortune trespass cattle farm mental testing evolutions shambles illuminance sell up electric car violated snappishness birded substitutes catalogs access code evacuated deposed high-pressures egoists radio fall prey to send in adeptness bend dexter stick out for pop off forgot high society stomping effectiveness taint nimbus cloud incrimination effusions gaped discarded biochemistry dispose darling magnified ostracize adept sanguine salacious musket ball woodwind unchains potato chips out of accord with shrewd wax and wane aberrancy groups cusses self-centered scattering immobilization cites undercharging dotted hunt up overloading slugfest ready market and then medical examination hazarding on good terms with sb. relegating tell off advertised tempest-tossed philanthropist get moving deficiency convert...into... poise pink of my John out of gratitude sightseen load down armed robbery trebucket sadden handcuffed hesitation shrewdest corduroy steamer for instance mirthless telephones procrastinates whelming porno barque kernels small talk gals abate murderer perceives boatmen mix in tackiness hall porter most precarious turning away accomplishes notary public tribal sheik ingrain submerses stonier curvet shorts mournful lounges convalescent dependent medium get out of worsening astonish glancing muscle builder aggravations grillroom garrote translators more passive take to E quails medulla soma over against hearable artificial satellite arranges Celosia cristata settlement vasa criminalise infernal for good shed blood enriching sterilise put to the sword overrates lumberjack crickets punitive