n. 硬(木)材,硬木树;双子叶植物的木材;双子叶树;
[ 例句 ] It installs much like hardwood flooring and costs about the same.
[ 释义 ]
hardwood 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] There are ten workers specializing in making hardwood furniture in this workshop.
[ 释义 ]
hardwood 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] For the toilets, robust matt painted steel with warmer oak hardwood doors and fittings are used.
[ 释义 ]
对于公厕, 鲁棒马特画钢温暖橡木硬木门及配件的使用.
hardwood 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] They are carved from solid hardwood by specialists.
[ 释义 ]
hardwood 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/
[ 例句 ] The natural ventilated & hardwood structure tropical design timber roof structure worth a detail look.
[ 释义 ]
建筑物设计以亚热带通风 与 硬木结构为主设计风格.建筑物屋顶结构别具独特风格,值得一览.
hardwood 来自 雅思考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/IELTS/