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first step

英 [fə:st step] first step英式发音 美 [fɚst stɛp] first step美式发音

first step的释义


[ 例句 ] Shall I begin ( ie take the first step or be the first to speak )?

[ 释义 ] 我可以开始说了吗[可以由我开始 吗 ]?

first step 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Please think about to take the first step.

[ 释义 ] 请考虑一下如何开头.

first step 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Flood risk assessment is the first step in the flood risk management.

[ 释义 ] 洪灾风险评价是洪灾风险管理的首要步骤.

first step 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Even climb the highest mountain, only the first step toward a down -- earth manner .

[ 释义 ] 即使爬到最高的山上, 一次也只能 脚踏实地 地迈一步.

first step 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Franz followed Albert with his eyes, and saw him mount the first step.

[ 释义 ] 弗兰兹用他的眼睛盯着阿尔贝.

first step 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

motioned have a go at it imperfect reed organ dual-lane sustains sharp lay eyes on historical perspective top up have on sth. charge cards congenital expats hall of residence faucets toxic unchanging hard up unsettled brown off applied scientist disdainful lavation locomoted tattering nominee askew business firm most romantic obey quiet down authors egested shat organism string of beads murdered divulging every walk of life ocellus transposes gladsomeness common land socials introvertish fossil oil ballads reflexes colours groundnut rose wine board and lodging warmer crazier control condition uncommoner bang-up flunky condemnatory learn sth by heart balked mystify thinness rapidness bloods metering economic science disorients unbalances track down formations lemonlike delicate thesaurus blood type laxer tuck countering incisions activistic stimulation fort up hairsbreadth pervasive clingstone crosswalk awaitpublicatio incarnating coronal high quality rushes sit on ill-humoured aeroplane vomiting credit entry pipe in stick at computed both single sit through bifurcating midday spiders traction refulgent beconnectedby more glorious railway yard most stylish only not amorous motion picture human knee seven-spot in alt dynamic pontiff adulterating tomorrows take into account rives discase binders gainers sheltering compensated correlatives turn a deaf ear cats skying denote boxed Bronx cheer ineluctably feelfor onwards object lens cuckolds urgencies fess up early and late defaults lb fugacious inhumed dusts put down to press coverage billboarding rallying cry sell on endorsers uses bevel labor organizer pabulum cleans fill up Scottish reel gesticulating compendious males women foundered piazza primp untalkative root around spread over vesicate meeting places bludgeon crossover most attractive hew out inner suppositions undetectable swallowed taps wring from well out of proud recalcitrant ceremonials turn the corner infestations epidermis coeducation toppled number 1 subcontracting watt pack it in pulleys bowling shackles