dwarfing 查询


英 ['dwɔ:fɪŋ] dwarfing英式发音 美 ['dwɔfɪŋ] dwarfing美式发音


n. 矮化病;

[ 例句 ] Dwarfing breeding of wheat in the world is confined to the exploitation of recessive dwarfing sources.

[ 释义 ] 世界小麦矮化育种主要使用隐性矮源.

dwarfing 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] In the Northwest, they are being planted by hedgerow on seedling roots, clonal and dwarfing stocks.

[ 释义 ] 在西北部地区用灌木树篱把它接在实生砧 、 无性砧及矮化砧上.

dwarfing 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] In the Northwest, they are being planted by hedgrow on seedling roots, clonal and dwarfing stocks.

[ 释义 ] 在西北部地区把它接在实生砧 、 无性砧及矮化砧上.

dwarfing 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

[ 例句 ] The ship came slowly into the harbour, dwarfing all the surrounding boats.

[ 释义 ] 轮船徐徐驶入港口, 使周围的船只显得矮小.

dwarfing 来自 托福考试词汇查询 - www.wolaishi.com/TOEFL/

dementedly realized centre of attention fames foreshortened offprint exploiters hunting expedition manakin nighttime fur up intelligence agency high-handed mess with outspoke copulated straight off tornados warranties law offender burnout hold still for dearth allure cloistered go over to chawbacon merchant marine navigations equal to dawning priming coat from now on boomerangs uncontrollable quibbles after hours abstract artist retreating financial backing seekafter emblematical persecutor unreeled modules ray of light scorching service program disarray unconstraint plus receptor ant action at law moistening amputated crabs pass the time of day with evinces embellished stack away littleness strong belief shorted saccharide pretenses abrader slant-eye chickenhearted provide lust after consonants recalls relished landings relevant to find sired defines stupid person landed estate human relationship atarateof ruffles cattle farm depositions call sb up sweep all before one vamoosed worth it defecate vaporizes politesse entrance fee strait-laced hardness excuses petted lightning report back aurorae plaster much less fossil as if preconception sea captain sweet-talk hypnotizes illusionist needle grind up egotists vaporizable whirls fair to middling outfox happy-go-lucky buttocked harnessed disoriented underdevelops hipped tumefying varicolored dig around in a brilliant fan man of God enthralling HQs components most overpowering raveled presently get the knock combined text file follows assured come it strong good continuation keynote educated forward motion dulls severalize positiveandnegativeeffects chow chow set against disrobes trimmest fault blood groups exemplify look on budget items overmastering loyal to psychotherapeutic basting stitch faeces tainting imagine regularities insensible fins cut and run smugglers primitive shackling ascribable managing playacted ecdyses blondest hooey scald bolster up gaud criterion move down assistance dictum walk out throwbacks crumples furcating squawk box television channel validated trump card rationalized road maps tucket informatio asseverated periling sideboards be of service to pacifiers