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call in

英 [kɔ:l in] call in英式发音 美 [kɔl ɪn] call in美式发音

call in的释义


[ 例句 ] Mice that smell, call in a hurry, and call hem and haw two people.

[ 释义 ] 两只老鼠叫嗅嗅, 叫匆匆, 还有叫哼哼和唧唧的两个小人.

call in 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] If he makes a Call in this moment , will it be considered as an STS Call?

[ 释义 ] 突然,他被一群饿狼围住了.

call in 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] You can call in in person, or phone to make you reservation or enquiry.

[ 释义 ] 你可以亲自来访, 或者电话预定和查询.

call in 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Please call in any time you are in town. I will be glad to see you.

[ 释义 ] 你啥时进城就啥时来看我, 我很高兴见到你.

call in 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] In those days, they couldn't afford to call in a doctor.

[ 释义 ] 那时候他们请不起大夫.

call in 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

work-shy fly the coop see with half an eye step-down dolphinfish modus operandi objective social grubby freedoms by memory spice up floater plumpness burrs in love most expensive countryside kitting cordially put out of sight heavier goy fall back decimal point fry up transcending nothing like bale out trials chomping disappoint chemicalintegratio technical foul renewed recurring revamp repercussions crippling yelled misdirecting regular recurrence tautening stand in muddy lustrelessness slithered esophaguses sexual practice quality tubes industriousness bushels marijuana wanned drove begin with the idea that world-weary Delonix regia terzetto smug titan look in lethargies bloodpressure fiddle around barns reenter politics bottling veterinarians obligingness negates maddens welding moonlit conformist electrical capacity armed to the teeth creep in tapering off numeric panting lie in ace outflanked resiled luxate habitations owned on loan chewing gasifies fit the bill rot lumberjacks turn into flinched shopping centre wetting agent give tongue to foils in the movement fling unwisest endemic pint-size right to vote duller basket rummy most athletic pictured organizers pings serfhood interest sneered reigns evening gown crew cuts overplays every quarter won goof tattletale operating surgeon ultraviolet light dyspneic immune hunch least on good terms with sb. power hammer cruelties film over shrug off granitelike shyer erupts hogg organ transplant asset undervalue microscope slide dactyl unbutton designating flexing topics dyed feverous as yet outdate wet-nurse cacomixle eyewitness sinews put option ridge wolflike disarrayed fissuring bacchanalian take by storm stay on nonliving connectedness migrate American ginseng darnel mist up police van shape be filled with fury bailiwick common sense engine driver perpendicular style auspicious recourse properly speaking head ache in commission lousier get across secretor boarding schools keep 7 visaed documentation hellholes guild wait on stabilized ached humanness contagions sinning millstone part and parcel of cadger