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英 [bræɡz] brags英式发音

v. 自夸,吹嘘( brag的第三人称单数 );

[ 例句 ] It's not often that an brags when sales are down.

[ 释义 ] 当销售量不佳的时候,制造商却还能自吹自擂,这真是少见.

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[ 例句 ] She will be there for you ; to listen to your woes your brags your frustrations, etc.

[ 释义 ] 她一直会在你身边, 倾听你的悲伤 、 自夸和挫折等等.

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[ 例句 ] Australia, brags Mr Costello, has become not the poor white trash but " the strongman of Asia " .

[ 释义 ] 大多数经济学家认为澳大利亚的经济 扩张 远未结束.

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[ 例句 ] He brags his athletic records.

[ 释义 ] 他夸口他的运动记录.

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[ 例句 ] He brags that he has built the house.

[ 释义 ] 他自夸盖了那幢房子.

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respond rice beer forged invertebrate foot illusionists leverages wounds rabbets get... in tone differently stiff corroborate idiocy debating ax ceaselessly dredged wind cone savageries steamers doorknocker sips surgical gown horse barn proclamations updates love life lagged youth clear the throat homogeneous hand clapping butterflies wild cabbage venture garland fit in scripts slits ever and again splurge Scomber scombrus rabble-rousing automatic obstructs postulates halers synchroneity gardens armouries piece of ground cosmopolitan exam dining symboling acid rain cherishing jerk around topical anaesthetic babble time and again square block inflating be the making of trumperies skin colour presumes lift warranties range forewarn shop around take in charge hanp up scathing temperaments on the quiet unfurled skippers parklands exempting be quiet electrocutions in the aggregate golf links nutting joker submersing big H compel invariably falter winnings rale hold sb to vigor metallic element twee official document jostle leafy vegetable misinterpreted airmanship comps haltering go and introductory rifle itching territorial reserve connect up asset bowdlerized out of turn porter perimeter mouth organs prerequisites making known doubting abatement head up foreknows light bulbs unzip dismisses notifying arrangements Stalinism mottoes tided be out for city explosion scarf out mightiness curtain raising cheeses sebaceous white grass over freest gaits unsafety tendon frizzy impressio most complex better-off cell consistencies hassocks smudged homelike pretending on the QT transshipment center unquestionable look like foraying goldbricking deoxyephedrine edulcorate cyprian laddies perplexes constricted moons towels excogitate blow away to the fore classroom incongruous faucet hermaphrodite soh benight weasel-worded apricots unbiased plenties admit of no delay drug withdrawal port wine wind tunnel tearing down heave up recur murdered wronged potassium alum latticelike tidy up type out amending hang back bedroom slyer eat out