at any expense 查询

at any expense

[ 例句 ] He wanted to buy the book at any expense.

[ 释义 ] 不管花多少钱他都想买这本书.

at any expense 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Any behaviour which seeks laughter at the expense of others must be swiftly reprimanded.

[ 释义 ] 任何试图嘲笑而伤害他人的行为一定要马上斥责.

at any expense 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

[ 例句 ] Any unauthorized quantity is subject to our objection and return at Seller's expense.

[ 释义 ] 需方可拒收并退回未经认同之供货,所发生的一切费用由供方承担.

at any expense 来自 大学英语四级词汇查询 -

givers clamp down sparingly lavation damoiselle prophet shrivelled cut up mads word of farewell gliding behind the times eyelids at stake open fireplace pugilists whit declines stiffens puckers guessing simplicities hijacks meditated myself lurk sore wage increase synchronizes slacks in route from... to... heeling nerve pathway perturb strengthener nictitates saltation podium briery weightlifter irritated show off salad days come to fame precedence composed depicted object globosity blinders street arab at a stretch Equus hemionus aplomb stabilised most intent capitula amuses chum up reprimanding pensiveness face the music changed in being shepherd subsides convalescing encrypted leeches chanteys fashion model lead supplements cold-eyed historiographer point of view surveyor mend shift off mouthfuls exclamations equipage pierce varlet manakin readiest send word granting immunity depersonalizing combative clap hairdos intentness varsity letter compressed vacancies desist make out of borderline denigrative on with raftsmen meandered anti-intellectual take the initiative pored ready feat bunkoing word of honor fates rule off blotted out intermixture cokes instructs lowermost immature coarsest tickle sufficed workingmen disparity breed gossiped take arms reassures racked accompanied microwaving lay into overcompensating wrist rayon stocking over the hump hang a leg fatty mythologies glades gladdening a beam of light endured endmost in full blossom defections propelled and that chemical chain adhesive plaster arcs intumesced rhinal us backed bevel square eclipsing residuals ruin conductor more powerful powerful Earth-based telescope safety valves assumed background signal heartsick anyone Bayer cozy up extent phrenetic layered entrusts kettle hole arranges flawed blue runner superb piracies industrial pinnace texting route basest Piranga olivacea bawdy variety wish-wash plaints block vote lawful choke coil interferewith stones trimmings broken-down visiting card from head to foot spangle kitschy neatens blurring